Questions you may have

How will our program save you money?

We save you money by offering high quality products brought in directly from the factory. With more than 25+ years of experience, we are experts in the field and will assure you that your needs will me met and your satisfaction will be our priority. Your savings will be as much as 50% in most cases from other in-home offers. 

Call us today at (256) 476-4106

How will the process take place from start to finish?

You will have the opportunity to see how the right product will fit your needs. We will offer guidance in choosing the walk-in tub or shower that will work best for you and your situation. We know you have questions and we are happy to answer them. Your total satisfaction will be our goal before, during and after you decide. You owe it to yourself to find out all the details. 

How do you get the assurance of getting the right product?

There should never be a cookie-cutter design when it comes to fitting your needs. There are many considerations to consider as to how you and your family will benefit from a new or remodeled bathroom. This includes deciding if a walk-in tub or shower will work best for you. We will explain all the pros and cons that will help you make the best decision and assure your goal of safe bathing is met. 

Our products play a big part in allowing people to stay in the home environment they love. 

What is included in the job?

Once your decision has been made and you are ready to move forward, we will go over everything that is included in the purchase. Your total satisfaction is our ultimate goal and we will be with you through this entire process and after the completion.